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Whether you lot've converted (or plan to convert) to an AMD-powered system or non, at that place's no denying AMD's Ryzen series of CPUs injected more life into the overall CPU market place in 2022 than we've seen in nearly a decade. Thanks to a combination of vastly improved thermals, functioning, and core counts, AMD has taken the fight to Intel at every price point where the two face off. Intel, in response, has added Hyper-Threading to CPUs that historically don't accept it, increased the core counts it intends to offering at the same cost points for its mainstream desktop CPUs (at to the lowest degree, if rumors are authentic), and slashed its own per-core pricing for its top-end HEDT processors. Expert times all around.

According to AMD's desktop CPU marketing manager, Don Woligroski, all this progress took place at what he calls a worst-instance scenario for AMD. In a recent interview with WCCFTech, embedded below, Woligroski reflects on the difficulty of bringing Ryzen to market place and how it impacted the CPU design:

I've said this before and I think it holds true. Zen, Ryzen, was the worst example scenario. It was a brand new architecture on a make new node. So the worst case scenario nosotros could've possibly had, and it's pretty good. You can go to over 4.GHz [referring to the CPU's maximum clock speed].

We agree with Woligroski — and we'd go farther. Ryzen wasn't just a worst-case scenario in terms of hit a new node at the same time AMD debuted a new architecture — it was a worst-example scenario for a lot of reasons.

AMD presumably knew that Bulldozer would never deliver the performance it hoped for by early 2022, at the very latest. From that indicate frontwards, all the company had were bad choices. It could bet on a new, clean-room compages initiative and hope to survive long enough to bring information technology to market place, or it could bet on repairing Bulldozer. Historically, both AMD and Intel have preferred to evolve existing architectures over launching new ones precisely because new CPU architectures are so risky. It takes four-five years to develop and bring a new CPU design to market from scratch, and at that place's always the possibility that the assumptions you confidently fabricated in 2022 will no longer make sense when a part hits store shelves.

But breaking the choice down to a binary between fixing or non-fixing Bulldozer still misstates the chance. During this same flow (let's call it Q1 2022 through Q4 2022), AMD also announced it would launch itself into ARM servers, acquired a server vendor (SeaMicro), canceled its Krishna and Wichita CPUs at GlobalFoundries (these became Kabini and Kaveri at TSMC), won the contracts for and began work on the Xbox One and PS4, launched the Radeon Hd 7000 series and began piece of work on Hawaii (aka GCN 1.ane), committed to improving its FX-derived CPU cores with what resource it could spare, and began work on the CPUs that would become K12 (never launched) and Ryzen (debuted in March 2022).

Information technology did all this while cutting its overall R&D investment; the graph below shows Intel, NV, and AMD R&D costs through the cease of 2022. I don't want to imply AMD faced no penalties for doing then, because y'all tin meet some of the cost in the visitor'south delayed GPU launches also equally the fact that all of the Ryzen CPUs are cookie-cutter implementations. And then again, AMD still got a core it could scale through its own markets with a cookie-cutter implementation in the first place. That's something Bulldozer could never exercise.


Add the huge contraction in PC sales the last six years and AMD's survival has been far from assured, at multiple points. Ryzen, therefore, wasn't a worst-case scenario for AMD simply because of its node or architecture. The entire procedure (pun intended) of bringing Ryzen to market was a worst-case scenario for AMD, virtually without exception. It's genuinely surprising that Ryzen is as strong as it is, given the headwinds AMD faced in bringing the bit to marketplace.

All of which raises the question: What comes next?


Our cloudy crystal ball suggests 2022 volition see the usual set of frequency tweaks and SKU adjustments that are typical of a product on a maturing 14nm process, and we'd expect to run into a modest frequency boost inside the same TDP and more efficient CPUs striking lower TDPs further downward the stack. AMD has previously unsaid it would practice a 14nm+ spin on Ryzen, fifty-fifty though that terminology is typically used by Intel.

Information technology's possible that AMD will pull in some architectural changes besides, though nosotros call up almost of those volition likely be reserved for Zen ii, which will go far on 7nm. GlobalFoundries has said it wants to have 7nm in volume product by the end of 2022, which points to a 2022 launch window for Zen ii. (AMD'southward graph higher up shows a "Zen iii" in 2022, only this doesn't square with a Zen 2 that debuts in 2022, and GF has publicly said it won't start Loftier Volume Manufacturing on 7nm until 2H 2022 at the earliest.)

Intel is expected to counter Zen with improved core counts and single-thread performance as part of its upcoming Coffee Lake family of CPUs. Simply AMD has enough leeway in its current market position to retrench itself without gutting its prices the way it did during the long, distressing slide of the Piledriver years. It's going to exist an interesting 12-18 months, even if Zen 2 hits towards the end of that timeframe.

Now read: How L1 and L2 CPU Caches Work, and Why They're an Essential Part of Modern Fries