How To Get Rid Of Baby Hairs
So, when we say baby hairs, we don't really mean the hairs of a baby. What we really mean, is the wispy, tiny strands of hair that are sticking out on your forehead, or head! These baby hairs also tend to be really, really short. They can also range from being fuzzy short, to the length of half your pinky maybe? The point is, baby hairs are called what they are because they sort of resemble the first time when a baby grows hair! Or if you've ever been bald, when your hair starts growing back!
It's short, spiky and fuzzy sometimes. Now, why would someone want to get rid of baby hairs? Aren't they cute or face-framing? Well for some yes. It complements their face and even frames them. But for others, they have a more complicated relationship. Sticking out when it shouldn't be and ruining your look even. So, Beauty Insider is here to share a few tips on how you can get rid of and finally remove your baby hairs!
- What Exactly Are Baby Hairs?
- Why Do We Have Them?
- How To Style It Down
- How To Remove Baby Hairs
- 1. Waxing & Shaving
- 2. Laser Hair Removal
- 3. Hair Removal Creams
- 4. Dermaplaning
- 5. Epilation
- 6. Electrolysis
- 7. Natural Oils
What Exactly Are Baby Hairs?

Like we mentioned before, baby hairs are tiny strands of hair that stick out on your head. They tend to appear on your forehead, and have no structure in growth whatsoever. Sometimes, they can also appear as naturally curly hair that are just sitting on top of your forehead. Just like how each and every person has a unique set of DNA, each person's baby hairs can vary too. It also depends on your genetics, as to what type of baby hair you might inherit. If your great-grandma had curly baby hairs all around her face, then there's a chance that you might have them too. If your dad has spiky baby hair on his forehead, there is a possibility that you might inherit yours from him too!
Why Do We Have Them?

So if we aren't babies anymore, why do we still have baby hairs? Well like we said, genetics can be one of the causes that you have baby hair. Aside from that, baby hairs tend to form when you are a baby to help protect your skin from irritation. Baby hairs are sort of like protection from sweat, as well as keeping the body warm. But, if you have a tendency or habit of pulling out your hair from your forehead, it can cause baby hairs to grow.
People who often wear caps and hats, are also prone to the growth of baby hairs! Why? This is because the hair on your forehead is constantly being put under friction. This can cause your hair to lose its original shape and texture. If you love tying tight ponytails to keep your hair in place, it's time you stop doing that. Tying super tight ponytails that hurt your scalp, are an open invitation for baby hairs to grow.
How To Style It Down
If you don't exactly want to get rid of your baby hairs or have tried and realised you looked worse, you can try to style it! Learn to live with them and not be enemies! So, if you want to style down your hair, it is best to work in the direction that they grow. This will make it easier to keep them down. Forcing them down in another direction is only going to make it pop back up. Another easy way to style baby hair is to use a little bit of hair gel or mousse to comb them down.
If your baby hairs are on the longer side, bobby pins can be your new best friend! Just twist them up and pin them down. With bobby pins, you can incorporate them into different hairstyles as well! Dealing with curly baby hairs? They can look fuzzy and messy so the best thing you can do is use a fine-toothed comb and some hair products to create intentional baby curls. If your baby hairs are longer, it can be great to style them down and frame your face with them!
How To Remove Baby Hairs
So, you've tried styling your baby hairs down but they are just not cooperating. Well, then the only solution you have left is to remove them. There are actually several methods by which you can remove baby hairs! All you need to do is find out which one you want to use!
1. Waxing & Shaving
Waxing is an option that many would think of first when it comes to hair removal. But since you are dealing with baby hairs that are surrounding your forehead or even neck area, it can be hard to make them look even. Results with waxing typically don't last that long either. Another option is shaving them off, but you would have to be careful as you are using a sharp object. It is fast and easy to do at home as well.
2. Laser Hair Removal

With laser hair removal, this method is much more permanent as it can actually change the way your hairline looks. Although it alters the appearance of your hairline, laser hair removal can only do so much. It won't get rid of everything and finer, shorter and lighter baby hairs may grow in their place.
3. Hair Removal Creams

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The most affordable and easiest way to get rid of all your baby hairs is to use hair removal creams! Similar to those that you use on your legs and armpits, you can opt for a good hair removal cream to remove your baby hair. This is safer than shaving them off with a razor and only the areas you apply the cream on will be affected. It is also much easier to do this removal method before your shower, so that you can just rinse the cream off and have all the hairs fall. Although, if you have sensitive skin, it's best to take caution and check the ingredients as it can cause irritation to some.
4. Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is a hair removal method that is similar to shaving as well. Instead of shaving your hair yourself, dermaplaning is a much more professional method. With this method, you also need a razor to perform the hair removal process. It is advised that you visit a professional for this method because the razor needs to be held extremely close to your skin. This is needed because this method requires the utmost care, attention and precision to ensure that injuries do not occur. You don't want to accidentally snip off a piece of skin while shaving now do you?
5. Epilation
Epilation is an effective method of removing baby hairs. This method actually takes a look at the root problem and solves it from there! There are a few methods of epilation which consist of threading, tweezing and sugaring.
Threading – Extremely similar to eyebrow threading, professionals will use a thread and form it into an X-shape. They will then thread and finely remove the baby hairs from your face!
Tweezing – This method requires the use of sterilised tweezers that will help pluck out the baby hairs directly from the roots. Although this method might be painful, it is worth a shot if you can endure pain.
Sugaring – This is more of an at-home DIY method as you can easily find a recipe online. It often uses rough ingredients such as sugar, lemon juice and honey to rub against your hair strands. Thus creating friction and ultimately eliminating the hairs.
6. Electrolysis

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Suitable for all hair types to try, electrolysis is a permanent solution to removing baby hairs. This method uses electric charges to target the different hair shafts. Thus, it is able to destroy each individual follicle of hair from the roots. Although this method can be time-consuming, it is quite effective. No matter your hair type.
7. Natural Oils

Using natural oils are also a great way to remove baby hairs but you would need to be diligent and apply it regularly. Applying oils such as coconut, mustard and olive to your vellus allows the oils to be absorbed into your roots. It is best to apply before bed and the vellus of your hair will slowly become darker and heavier until they completely disappear. Coconut oil prevents free radicals from damaging your hair and slowly removes your baby hair. Mustard oil contains antibacterial properties and is the best at removing them. Olive oil contains antioxidant properties and is moisturising for removing hair too.
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How To Get Rid Of Baby Hairs
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